Monday, December 18, 2006

The case of the disappearing follicles...

Had another monitoring appointment today. Got a speeding ticket on the way. OK, so the "short cut" wasn't that great of an idea. The cop was grumpy too. I didn't expect Mr. Sunshine, but sheesh....My first ticket in 15 years. However, it should be noted that mine was still $80 less than Husband's. So there.

So, to add insult to injury, one of my follicles has up and disappeared. Just gone. This has happened before, and an overly full bladder probably didn't help. Hopefully this one will re-appear, at a decent size this time. So, I am left with two, both at 11mm, but right ovary has woke up! Welcome to the party! Considering that the only time my right one got involved, we got pregnant with Son, this might actually be a good thing.

I've got a feeling that I'm going to get the call later on this afternoon to ratchet up the dose. Remarkably enough, I'm not upset. Realize that the last time that this happened I sobbed, almost uncontrollably, the entire 30 minute drive back to work. Now, I will admit that if things aren't a bit rosier after my appointment on Thursday, I may have to hit the chocolate. I'm going to be baking on Thursday, and, well, it could get ugly.

Oh, and to top it all off, the met is making me sick in the morning. God, I hate that stuff.

1 comment:

Pipi said...

I had that same problem too.
Please I am new to this whole fertility problem. I am 27 and dh is 40. dh was diagnosed with low morphology.Our RE finally asked us to settle in for IUI.I was put on letrozole 2.5mg from cd3 - 5. After then I started taking injectibles(puregon 75ml from cd 5). On cd 10 my follicles measured up to 12mm.I was told that was too small by my RE.On cd 13 they measured up to 16mm.I went back on cd 15 and the dominating follicle was no more.I had only one dominating one measring 14ml and other smaller ones,ranging from 10 to 13mm.I was given an higher dose of 100ml after my scan.On cd 17 to my suprise,the one measuring 14mm was no more! They could only find other smaller ones measuring 13mm.My RE has asked me to come back on monday,and if there are no improvements,the cycle will be cancelled.